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[Flex] pureMVC and Utility - StateMachine

目前手上的 Flex 專案幾乎都是使用 pureMVC 的架構來開發,用到現在還是沒有發現什麼大的缺點,嚴格說起來還挺好用的。組合好心人分享的 pureMVC 工具包也相當好玩。除了自己寫的工具外,目前最愛用的便是 Neil Manuell (project owner) 所分享的 Utility - AS3 StateMachine,小型專案只需要配合這個就非常完美了~~

在 Application 的 MXML 中使用 ViewStack 來控制場景變換,是很直覺的作法。但如果你專案還有擴充的空間,這樣做場景到最後你一定後悔!因為可能不是每個 View 都會被新增到 同一個地方。以下是一個簡單的範例講解 pureMVC + StateMachine 的應用。

範例的 Classes tree

開始前請先下載以下的 library:為了方便開發,統一使用 multicore 版本
PureMVC MultiCore for AS3
Utility - AS3 StateMachine
使用 swc 的話請直接將 .swc 檔放置到 libs/ 內,如果是下載 class 的話,請放置到 src/ 中

Application MXML 中有個 tab bar 點選後會換場景 Shop <-> Shop1 ( 當然場景可以無限新增,這只是個範例...)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
applicationComplete="init()" layout="vertical">
import com.mvc.ApplicationFacade;
private function init():void{
ApplicationFacade.getInstance( ApplicationFacade.NAME ).startup( this );
<mx:TabBar dataProvider="['Shop','Shop1']" id="tb"
itemClick="dispatchEvent( new ItemClickEvent('MenuClick', false, false, null, tb.selectedIndex ))" />

你會發現在 itemClick 後使用了 dispatchEvent ,而不直接讓 ApplicationMediator 來監聽 tb,當 Mediator 不了解 viewComponent 的實作細節,這樣的寫法對之後更改 Application view 配置較不會互相影響。 幾乎跟官方長得一模一樣...=P
package com.mvc

import com.mvc.controls.StartupCommand;
import mx.core.UIComponent;

import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.IFacade;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.patterns.facade.Facade;

public class ApplicationFacade extends Facade implements IFacade
public static var NAME:String = "SystemFacade";
// Notification constants
public static const STARTUP:String = 'startup';

public function ApplicationFacade( key:String = null )
super( NAME );

* Singleton ApplicationFacade Factory Method
public static function getInstance( key:String = null ) : ApplicationFacade
if ( instanceMap[ key ] == null ) instanceMap[ key ] = new ApplicationFacade( key );
return instanceMap[ key ] as ApplicationFacade;

* Register Commands with the Controller
override protected function initializeController() : void
registerCommand( STARTUP, StartupCommand );

* Application startup
* @param app a reference to the application component
public function startup( app:UIComponent ):void
sendNotification( STARTUP, app );

public function startup( app:UIComponent):void
sendNotification( STARTUP, app );

這邊修改了 startup function 為了統一使用 就不綁各自的 Application.mxml 實體 (ex. pureMVCAndStateMachine),所以將傳入改為 UIComponent 類別 ( 這樣每開一個專案就是直接 copy 改 package 就可以使用了...=) )
package com.mvc.controls
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.patterns.command.MacroCommand;

public class StartupCommand extends MacroCommand
public function StartupCommand()

override protected function initializeMacroCommand() :void
//addSubCommand( ModelPrepCommand ); //請自己補
addSubCommand( ViewPrepCommand );
addSubCommand( InjectFSMCommand );

State Machine 的 inject command
addSubCommand( InjectFSMCommand );

使用 State Machine 的時候, Erin 都習慣寫一張 const 表來用

package com.mvc.utils
public class GlobalStates
private static const NAME:String = "GlobalStates";
public static const SHOP1:String = "/shop1";
public static const SHOP:String = "/shop";

private static const ACTION:String = "/action";
public static const ACTION_SHOP1:String = NAME +ACTION + SHOP1;
public static const ACTION_SHOP:String = NAME +ACTION + SHOP;

private static const DISPLAY:String = "/display";
public static const DISPLAY_SHOP1:String = NAME +DISPLAY + SHOP1;
public static const DISPLAY_SHOP:String = NAME +DISPLAY + SHOP;

private static const EXIT:String = "/exit";
public static const EXIT_SHOP1:String = NAME +EXIT + SHOP1;
public static const EXIT_SHOP:String = NAME +EXIT + SHOP;

public function GlobalStates(){}
} 寫法很統一~~

package com.mvc.controls
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.INotification;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.patterns.command.SimpleCommand;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.utilities.statemachine.FSMInjector;

import com.mvc.utils.GlobalStates;
import com.mvc.controls.Shop1Command;
import com.mvc.controls.ShopCommand;

* Create and inject the StateMachine.
public class InjectFSMCommand extends SimpleCommand
override public function execute ( note:INotification ) : void
//將所有相關的 Command 直接在這邊 register
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP1, Shop1Command );
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP1, Shop1Command );
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP, ShopCommand );
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP, ShopCommand );
// Create the FSM definition
var fsm:XML =
<fsm initial={GlobalStates.SHOP}>
<state name={GlobalStates.SHOP} exiting={GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP} changed={GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP}>
<transition action={GlobalStates.ACTION_SHOP1} target={GlobalStates.SHOP1}/>
<state name={GlobalStates.SHOP1} exiting={GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP1} changed={GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP1}>
<transition action={GlobalStates.ACTION_SHOP} target={GlobalStates.SHOP}/>
// Create and inject the StateMachine
var injector:FSMInjector = new FSMInjector( fsm );

使用 State Machine 有個好處就是 state tag 內,如果沒有將要串接的 State 用 transition tag 宣告出來 ,就不可能會跳到那個 State...
<state name={GlobalStates.SHOP} exiting={GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP} changed={GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP}>
<transition action={GlobalStates.ACTION_SHOP1} target={GlobalStates.SHOP1}/>

將 DIPLAY and EXIT 註冊到各自的 view Command
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP1, Shop1Command );
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP1, Shop1Command );
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP, ShopCommand );
facade.registerCommand( GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP, ShopCommand );

裝好 State Machine 後,來寫
package com.mvc.controls
import com.mvc.views.ApplicationMediator;

import mx.core.UIComponent;

import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.INotification;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.patterns.command.SimpleCommand;

public class ViewPrepCommand extends SimpleCommand
override public function execute( note:INotification ) :void
var app:UIComponent = note.getBody() as UIComponent ;
facade.registerMediator( new ApplicationMediator (ApplicationMediator.NAME , app) );
} and 的寫法其實很一致,就是將 Shop and Shop1 的相關的 views、mediators、proxies and commands 啟用與移除都在自己的 command 運作 ( 就差 Class 名稱改一下 )
package com.mvc.controls
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.ICommand;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.patterns.command.SimpleCommand;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.INotification;
import com.mvc.utils.GlobalStates;

public class ShopCommand extends SimpleCommand implements ICommand
public function ShopCommand()

override public function execute(notification:INotification):void
switch( notification.getName() ){
case GlobalStates.DISPLAY_SHOP:
// init shop view...請自己補~~
case GlobalStates.EXIT_SHOP:
// remove shop view 請自己補~~


Command 都準備好囉~~最後將 寫上~~
package com.mvc.views
import flash.display.DisplayObject;

import mx.core.UIComponent;

import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.IMediator;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.interfaces.INotification;
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.patterns.mediator.Mediator;

import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.utilities.statemachine.StateMachine;

import com.mvc.utils.GlobalStates;

public class ApplicationMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator
public static const NAME:String = "ApplicationMediator";

public function ApplicationMediator(mediatorName:String=null, viewComponent:Object=null)
super(mediatorName, viewComponent);
override public function onRegister():void
//這樣 Mediator 就不需要認識 viewComponent 內的 Children
app.addEventListener( 'MenuClick' , onClick );
// 直接發 StateMachine.ACTION notification...
private function onClick(event:ItemClickEvent):void{
switch( event.index ){
case 0:
this.sendNotification( StateMachine.ACTION , null, GlobalStates.ACTION_SHOP );
case 1:
this.sendNotification( StateMachine.ACTION , null, GlobalStates.ACTION_SHOP1 );
private function get app():UIComponent{
return this.viewComponent as UIComponent;

StateMachine 的用法:
sendNotification( StateMachine.ACTION , null, "ACTION_STATE" );

你一定會問,為什麼不直接將 view 生成移除的語法寫在 內?
如果將處理 view 註冊跟移除收集在 Mediator 內,等到 view 需要被新增到不同的 UI containder 內的時候,你就會發現處理起來會非常痛苦,有時候客戶一時心血來潮告知你說能不能將 A view 放到左邊又或者 b view 被改到別的 view component 內的時候,這時候也只需要修改 command 即可!

其他 pureMVC 相關文章:
[Flex] pureMVC Standard 練習筆記
[Flex] pureMVC 練習筆記啪兔
[Flex] Cairngorm v.s. pureMVC
[Flex] pureMVC MultiCore with Modules


  1. Hello Erin:
    有一個問題想請教你,目前我想做一個像一般Windows AP的介面,有menu,點了menu item後,會開啟MDI Form,每個MDI Form(i功能)都是獨立的,所以我選擇了multicore的版本,但我確定menu的eventhandel是否要納入Mediator的管轄呢?~~是否可以給個建議,或是有什麼文章可以參考。


  2. 如果是我大概會處理成 menu + MenuMeditaor(只用接收 menu click 事件後 sendNotification),再由 command 處理呼叫 對應 form ui 的開啟跟關閉
    每個 MDI form - FormMediator 都自己配一組,這樣要更換 Form 會比較容易...


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